Friday 18 October 2019by Stefano

Hello everybody! Here is Stefano from PIANOANDCO and I am so proud to be part of team of PIANOANDCO and LICA, two of the partners supporting this great project.

As you already know next week the power of the repetitive music of EUROPE IN C will land at Marseille. From the 27th of October to the 2nd of November the Phocéen town will embrace more than 40 students coming both from the Mediterranean and the Northern Sea. Here is a little agenda about the events that will occur.

The day after the arrival of the musicians and their chaperons on Sunday 27 it will be time to discover the beauties of Marseille and his National Centre of Musical Creation (GMEM).

On Wedsnday 29 the CNRS (National Centre of Scientific Research) will host a workshop organized by LICA that will explain what the Open Badges are and how the Blockchain technology works. Later a new workshop will connect the musicians in Marseille with the ones in Italy thanks to the technology LoLa.

On Wednsday 30 a Marseille’s symbolical building will welcome the project EUROPE IN C and its performances. Indeed two events will take place in the Alcazar Library, which is just a stone’s throw from the Vieux Port: one of them is the performance of the percussionists from the conservatory of Martigues, the second one is the projection of the documentary "Les couleurs du Prisme" (The colors of the Prism) by Jacqueline Caux.

After another worshop at the GMEM that will take place on Thursday 31, the entire days of the 1st and the 2nd of November will be dedicated to music, concerts and talks in the fascinating building of La Marseillaise, in the heart of Marseille. During these two days, the power of the repetitive music of IN C played by the young musicians of the conservatories of Marseille, Dunkirk, Ostende, Rostock, Trieste and Athens will involve the public in an unique experience.

We look forward to take part with you to this memorable week.